HomeHome  ›  Archive  ›  In the Media  › Macron is proposing a new stance on the relations with Germany as well as with the Eurozone Macron is proposing a new stance on the relations with Germany as well as with the Eurozone

In an interview for, our Martin Michelot commented on the economic program of Marine Le Pen as a threat to Europe and on Macron's warm approach to Germany.
26. April 2017

"Myslím si, že Le Penová vníma Nemecko ako možného partnera len v Európe bez EÚ," uviedol Michelot. Monetárna reforma navrhovaná kandidátkou FN by podľa neho priniesla neistotu, pokles miezd a celkovo jej program označil za "ekonomickú katastrofu pre Francúzsko".

Read the whole interview in Slovak on's website here.

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