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Stačí málo: By turning down the heating by 1°C, we can save significantly

Our researcher Michal Hrubý was a guest on the podcast Stačí málo, presented by Generali Česká pojišt'ovna. He answered questions about the energy sector and the energy crisis. In the podcast you will learn, among other things, how to manage energy efficiently in households and what mistakes to avoid if you want to save money on energy.
1. December 2022

"The first and most effective thing is to look at the average temperature in the home. Most flats and houses are heated to a more comfortable temperature, even 1°C will make a big difference in terms of energy consumption. Of course, it depends on the heating method, where it takes its energy from, but we still get significant savings."

You can listen to the whole podcast (in Czech) here.


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