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Seznam Zprávy | Babiš' political group in the European Parliament is dominantly pro-Russian

The ANO movement has joined the new group Patriots for Europe, which it co-founded to promote national interests in Europe more effectively. Now it is third-largest in the European Parliament and includes, among others, the French National Rally of Marine Le Pen, and the Hungarian Fidesz of Viktor Orbán. Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute talked in the podcast 5:59 of Seznam Zprávy how this affiliation could affect the perception of the Czech Republic abroad.
10. July 2024

If Andrej Babiš returns to the government, the Czech Republic will be viewed through the prism of which political group the ANO movement belongs to. And if that group is dominantly pro-Russian, the rest of Europe will simply see the Czech Republic as part of the pro-Russian political current in Europe.

You can read the full article here.

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