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RTVS | The heads of Polish public media have been dismissed

The new Polish government is marked by significant changes. One of them is changes in personnel, not only in the state authorities, but also in the public media. On how the opposition and Polish society have reacted to this and what further effects it may have on Poland, our deputy director Viktor Daněk commented for RTVS.
20. December 2023

"So far the coalition is working surprisingly well. What they agreed to in the coalition agreement, they immediately began to apply in practice, literally from minute to minute the moment they took power, see the legislative whirlwind, the many personnel changes - whether in ministries or in state or semi-state companies or other state apparatuses. So far everything seems to be working like clockwork, but it would probably be premature to conclude from this short experience, literally a few days, whether it can really work like this for four years."

You can listen to the full interview here (from about minute 14).

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