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RTVS | The Future of the Visegrad Group

Differences on key issues between the leaders of the Visegrad Four countries are now being widely discussed in the context of the ongoing summit in Prague. How the relations between the countries will develop, whether we are heading towards the disintegration of the V4 or whether this is an eternal partnership of reason, was analysed by Žiga Faktor, Deputy Director and Head of the Brussels Office, for the RTVS podcast Z prvej ruky.
29. February 2024

We are currently seeing the V2+2 format, we have seen it in the past, only it was the Czech Republic and Slovakia and on the other side Poland and Hungary, and here the internal formats will change according to the political elite. In the Czech Republic we are waiting for elections, it may happen that ex-Prime Minister Babiš will be in power again, it may happen that suddenly the Czech Republic will cooperate more closely with Hungary and Slovakia, and so on.

You can listen to the full interview here

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