RTSV: The number of migrants asylum seekers in Germany is decreasing, less people are looking for international protection.
Our Christian Kvorning Lassen, in an interview for RTVS, commented on the overall situation in Germany, where the number of migrant asylum seekers was reduced. The decrease was also helped by the agreement with Turkey, which closed the Balkan Route or cooperation with Libya. The German Ministry of Interior however wants the numbers to be even lower.
23. January 2018

Our Christian Kvorning Lassen, in an interview with RTVS, commented on the overall situation in Germany, where the number of migrant asylum seekers was reduced to around 190,000 people, which is about 100,000 people less than a year earlier. The German Ministry of Interior however wants the numbers to be even lower – and plans to achieve such goal by lowering the benefits for migrants. The decrease was also helped by the agreement with Turkey, which concluded the Balkan Route or cooperation with Libya.
It is part of the debate on how to reduce Germany's economic burden. It could help deter some economic migrants. We will see how the new government of Germany will take up this challenge. But it is a sensible solution that could find support.
The entire interview is available on the RTVS radio station [15:00-17:50].