Respekt | The European elections are over. Czechia is awaiting the nomination of a European Commissioner

First of all, we should abandon the mantra of a strong economic portfolio. While it would be great if someone from the Czech Republic in the next Commission would steer the promised turn to competitiveness or grease the skids of trade policy, it is unlikely to happen. And we are also hampered by a handicap - we are not familiar with the euro. But we need not hang our heads. Věra Jourová has shown that influence and respect can be earned even without an economic portfolio. We could, for example, build on her work on digitalisation. Even more interesting to me is the suggestion to focus on the climate or the environment. This will continue to be a key topic, and the Czech Commissioner could also speak in related economic areas, and perhaps we could learn something ourselves.
You can find Viktor Daňek's commentary here.