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Radio Prague International | 106 years since Czechoslovakia’s founding, Robert Fico tests Czech-Slovak relations

Czechs celebrated the 106th anniversary of the founding of Czechoslovakia in a nationwide state holiday. But despite the historically close links between Czechs and Slovaks, since Robert Fico's return as Slovakia's prime minister in 2023, there has been a distinct cooling in relations between the former sister states. Kristína Chlebáková, Project Manager of EUROPEUM Institute, spoke about Czech-Slovak relations for Prague Radio International.
29. October 2024

I would maybe say that the relations didn’t sour because of the election itself, but rather what happened after the election when it became clear what Fico’s government would be saying especially internationally. The main reason for the sourness on the highest political level is the deep differences between Czechia and Slovakia in their support for Ukraine.

You can read the full interview here.

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