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La revue – Confrontations Europe: Les quatre de Visegrad ne forment pas un bloc

Our Martin Michelot authored an article for La revue – Confrontations Europe on the role of the V4 group in European politics.
20. July 2018

The countries of the Visegrad group, according to the public opinion, continue to pay a high price due to their frontal opposition to the compulsory relocation plan of the refugees presented by the European Commission in summer 2015.

France does not stay out of these discussions and in this perspective greatly benefitted from the anticipated effects of the British withdrawal by returning to the game in Central Europe, a strategic region for the implementation of a "Europe which protects'', especially in its economic and social aspect.

You can find the whole newspaper (in French) here or download the article (on page 7) through the PDF button on the right.

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