HomeHome  ›  Archive  ›  In the Media  › Czechs are the biggest euroskeptics. What do central Europeans want, and how do they see the EU? Czechs are the biggest euroskeptics. What do central Europeans want, and how do they see the EU?

An extensive research of public opinion in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Austria, Slovakia and Slovenia showed, that a considerable portion of Central Europeans believe, that the EU is treating them unfairly. Still, the wish to remain, and want strong leaders and a homogenous society.
19. April 2018

An extensive research of public opinion in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Austria, Slovakia and Slovenia showed, that a considerable portion of Central Europeans believe, that the EU is treating them unfairly. Still, the wish to remain, and want strong leaders and a homogenous society.

A considerable portion of  Cental Europeans say, that the EU is treating them unfairly. In the Czech republic, this sentiment is shared with 70% of the popultion, in Slovakia 49% and in Austria and Hungary 39% of the people. This could be one of the reason why there is a surge of Euroskepticism in Central Europe.

In all the countries that were part of this research, the local population believes that local politicians are using the EU as a scape goat, on which they blame their own mistakes and failures. At the same time the majority of people understand the EU as an addition to the national economies and a guarantor of safety. 

The complete article (in Czech) is available here.

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