HN Svět: Slovaks are content with the EU membership, Hungarians want independent media.

Our Christian K. Lassen has given his insights on how the Czech people feel about the EU. What are the positives that are considered the most?
In the Czech Republic, it has been confirmed that they are the biggest euroskeptics in the region, says C. K. Lassen from EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy. He also points out that there is nobody who the society trusts and who as the same time represents the EU as such.
An interesting phenomena is that in the Czech Republic the least euroskepticism is among people who are above 66 years old. Lassen explains this saying that their priority is security, and they value the memebership because it guarantees stability in the region.
Generally speaking the research has also abought countering results. In all five countries the most important values are such as protection of human rights and democracy.
The complete article (in Slovak language) is available here.