ČT24: Energy ministers discuss gas prices
The negotiations in Brussels are led by Czech Minister Jozef Síkela. According to him, a plan is ready and he believes in an agreement. Government representatives will try to agree on a cap on gas prices. Our researcher Vít Havelka commented on this topic for ČT24.
13. December 2022

"It is impossible to say in advance how the individual states will react to the latest proposal put forward by the Czech Presidency, but from what I know and what I have been able to observe over the past few days, I think some further meetings will be needed."
"It became clear that the mechanism would not be triggered for the Czech Presidency. But it proposed a reduction in the overall gas price at which it would be traded. Then there was a suggestion that, for example, for five days instead of ten days, a safety brake would be activated in case the price was too high."
You can listen to the whoel interview here.