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ČRo Radiožurnál: The UK's High Court decided parliamentary approval is needed to trigger Brexit

Our director Vladimír Bartovic was a guest on Radiožurnál today commenting on the decision of the UK's High Court not to allow the start of divorce talks with the EU without the approval of the parliament.
3. November 2016

Our director Vladimír Bartovic was a guest on Radiožurnál today commenting on the decision of the UK's High Court not to allow the start of divorce talks with the EU without the approval of the parliament. The government has already announced that it will appeal the ruling.

Will this decision have an impact on the situation? Did the court's decision leave Brexit uncertain? What steps must be taken after this verdict? Why isn't the government's authority resulting from the referendum acknowledged by the High Court?

You can listen to the full interview in Czech here at [9:00 – 12:23].

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