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ČRo Plus: Trial in Hungary over truck deaths of 71 migrants

In an interview for ČRo Plus, our research fellow Michal Vít commented on the recent trial in Hungary over the death of 71 migrants.
23. June 2017

In an interview for ČRo Plus, our research fellow Michal Vít commented on the recent trial with human traffickers in Hungary over the death of 71 migrants.

The Hungarian court is considering a death penalty or at least a several-year prison sentence for human traffickers. Is this an extraordinary case or were human traffickers in Europe already faced with severe punishments before?

Z hlediska toho, do jaké míry je tento trest určen jako výzva nejen společnosti, ale také ostatním pašerákům, je to skutečně výjimka. Na druhou stranu je také třeba vzít v potaz to, že lidé, co byli zadrženi, jsou pouze jednotlivci a celý [soudní] proces nezahrnuje postihnutí celé organizované skupiny nebo alespoň její části. 

Listen to the interview in full in Czech between the times of [15:43 - 20:55] here.

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