ČRo | Czech Republic abstains in the final vote on the migration pact
The Migration Pact heads to its final vote in the Council of Ministers. The Czech Republic will abstain in this final vote. What is the process of approval within the European Union? What led to the change of position? And what are the implications for the EU of the just-approved migration pact? Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute, comments for Czech Radio.
14. May 2024

"Partial changes have occurred after negotiations with MEPs, it happens and it is common. For example, some deadlines have been shortened. But that is how it works, compromises are made. The question is always whether the compromise is acceptable or not. The Ministry of the Interior has assessed this by abstaining from the vote. From my point of view, however, the most important Czech requirements were preserved. In particular, the possibility to choose the form of assistance and not to be forced under any circumstances to relocate asylum seekers if the Czech Republic does not wish to do so."
You can lsiten to the whole interview here.