28 Europe: The Trump of Vltava

Our director Vladimír Bartovic was a guest on the Greek TV show "28 Europe", which focuses on current issues in Europe and its debate on the future of the EU.
The Czech Republic is a relatively new EU member state. It entered among the countries of the 2004 enlargement. Although, it itself does not like to be seen as a new member state. The Czech Republic is also a relatively well integrated country in the EU.
Its position evolved few years ago. It was seen as a troublemaker in the European Union and as a country with a very eurosceptic position toward the continuation of European integration. But nowadays, it's mostly a country, which supports further integration of the Union and its strategic aim is to be in the center of the EU integration.
Czech companies ask for managed immigration, but there is nobody to ask for accepting the immigrants, who would serve as labor force from Syria and Muslim countries, when they are speaking about the need for skilled labor. They always talk about Ukraine, Serbia, and other EU member states.
Watch the interview in Greek and English between the times of [2:20 - 3:00] and [37:34 - 38:00] here.