Work in Progress: The Migration Pact between French and Czech presidencies

Although the impacts of the war in Ukraine slightly derailed the ambitions of the French Presidency in the area of JHA, its 'phased approach' towards the Pact finally received broad support in its initial Eurodac and 'Screening' regulation as Coreper approved the negotiation mandate. Furthermore, the declaration on a temporary solidarity mechanism, although at this stage non-committal, was signed up by 18 Member States, including the incoming Presidency, as well as Norway,Switzerland and Liechtenstein . For those opposing the previously proposed concepts, the phased approach seems to represent a more digestible - and actionable – path. However, operationalizing solidarity into more than a mere declaration and into a tangible platform will prove a challenge. The specter of a "two-tier migration system" still looms, as does the question of the future of the Temporary Protection Directive, which was previously slated for a phase-out. Is the breakthrough a sign of a more united approach toward the common migration and asylum policy? And can the Czech Republic follow up on the progress achieved?
Opening Remarks:
- Štěpán Černý, Director of EU Policies Department, Office of the Government of the Czech Republic
- Jolanta Szymanska, Coordinator of Europe Programme, Polish Institute of International Relations (PISM)
- Alena Kudzko, Director, GLOBSEC Policy Institute
- Marie De Somer, Head of European Migration and Diversity Programme, Senior Policy Analyst, European Policy Centre (EPC)
- Ralph Genetzke, Head of Mission, International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD)
Moderation: Žiga Faktor, Head of Brussels Office, EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
Closing Remarks:
- Jean-Louis De Brouwer, Director of European Affairs Programme, Egmont Royal Institute for International Relations