RevivEU | Did the Russian war in Ukraine change anything?

When refugees from the Middle East overwhelmed Europe in 2015 and the Czech Republic refused to accept any of them, few could have expected the unprecedented solidarity from Czechs sparked by the Russian war in Ukraine. Czechs began voluntarily accommodating Ukrainian refugees in their homes or cottages, thus fulfilling one of the election slogans of the ANO campaign before the parliamentary elections in 2021. Judging by the number of war refugees on Czech territory, it seems that Czech society has moved forward since 2015 and gained confidence.
At the same time, there has been a significant shift in the approach to refugees at the EU level. This year, a new migration and asylum pact was adopted, which fundamentally changes the rules of solidarity among member states and how refugees are treated. But how will the new system work in practice? What does the new pact contain? Are the new asylum rules humane? Are they really not part of any refugee quota? And have Czechs changed since 2015?
On Wednesday May 22, 2024, at 6:00 PM at the Skautský institut, Staroměstské náměstí 4/1, Prague.
- Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director, Institute for European Policy EUROPEUM
- Zuzana Pavelková, Organization for Refugee Aid
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