REPORT: Workshops on disinformation

The first workshop took place in September, titled Disinformation and fake news; and the second took place in October, titled Disinformation and European elections.
The two workshops were conducted on the 11th of September and 16th of October with good attendance as part of the SmarteD project designed to promote media literacy, combatting fake news and disinformation.
SMART eD aims to foster European citizenship and improve conditions for civic and democratic participation at EU level by raising citizens’ awareness of national and EU level initiatives to counter fake news and online disinformation.The project will create an online repository with all the project outcomes, and will provide recommendations for EU policy-makers on strategies and methodologies for the smart use of eDemocracy tools to counter the negative impact of fake news.
- (Latvia),
- EUROPEUM (Czech Republic),
- (Belgium),
- Estonian Cooperation Assembly (Estonia),
- Institute for Electronic Participation – INePA (Slovenia),
- Democratie Ouverte (France),
- SciFY (Greece)
The Project “Smart eDemocracy Against Fake News – SMARTeD” has been funded with the support of the Europe for Citizens programme of the European Union. (ID: 601576)