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REPORT: Czech contributions to the international security

On November 16th, 2017 took place the expert roundtable “Czech contributions to the international security“ with the Czech Ambassador to NATO Mr. Jiří Šedivý. It discussed the latest developments in the security policy sector from the perspective of the Czech Republic. Report from this event. is already available.
28. November 2017

The event was organized by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, in cooperation with the Permanent Delegation of the Czech Republic to NATO. The project was supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic in the framework of public diplomacy projects within Czech foreign policy and international relations.

Many experts joined the discussion table; representatives from the Women in International Security Brussels (WIIS), the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS), the EPSC and Antal Jozsef Knowledge Center (AJKC) shared their opinions and questions enriching the debate with the Permanent Representative of the Czech Republic to NATO. Deputy Director of EUROPEUM, Martin Michelot, moderated the debate.

The event followed the Chatham House rule.

The roundtable encouraged a vivid debate: many were the topics discussed from the contribution of the Czech Republic to international security within NATO especially on equipment to the unclear coordination between the EU and NATO.

The debate could not avoid raising doubts and questions on the future role of PESCO and consequences on the relation NATO leaving the floor opened for future discussions on the evolution of the contribution to international security.


The report is also available as PDF through the button on the right side.

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