INVITATION: V4 and larger regional platforms: Convergence or competition?

In the past decade, two initiatives aiming to induce much needed investments in Central and Eastern Europe were established – the Three Seas Initiative (TSI) and the “17+1” platform. While both platforms focus mainly on infrastructure and energy sector projects, their origin and purpose differ significantly. To what extent are the regionally owned TSI and the 17+1, initiated by China, complementary to each other? Are there any overlaps or competition between the two platforms? And what impact do the two initiatives have on the Visegrad cooperation?
• Alica Kizeková, Senior Researcher, Institute of International Relations Prague / Ústav mezinárodních vztahů
• Konrad Poplawski, Head of Central European Department, Centre for Eastern Studies - OSW
• Tomáš Strážay, Director, Slovak Foreign Policy Association
• Márton Ugrósdy, Director, Külügyi és Külgazdasági Intézet / Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade
Chair: Jana Juzová, Research Fellow, EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
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