INVITATION: Prague Climate Talks: COP26: What can we expect?
After coronavirus interrupted plans last year, the 26th UN Climate Conference was postponed to November this year. The conference, which will take place in Glasgow, UK, will be the most important since 2015, when the Paris Agreement was adopted. All signatories to this agreement should present their increased national contributions here in order to meet their Paris commitments.
How do the largest producers of emissions currently stand? What role will the European Union, the United States or Britain play in international negotiations? What role will post-pandemic recovery play here? Can the global community work together to prevent the worst effects of climate change?
The invitation was accepted by:
- Romana Březovská, analyst, Association for International Affairs
- Barbora Kvasničková, young UN delegate
- Jitka Martínková, coordinator of Klimatické koalice
Host: Markéta Boubínová, Deník N
We will broadcast the event live online and it will be possible to watch the live broadcast here on the event page. You will be able to participate in the discussion directly during the debate through comments below the video. If you already have any questions, please write them in the discussion at the event.
Live broadcast and recording of the discussion available here.