INVITATION: Prague Climate Talks: Assessment of EU's climate policies – are they up to the challenge?

Prague Climate Talks is a new project aimed at establishing a platform for continued high-level discussion on the complex issue of climate change. Throughout a series of debates it will bring together experts and professionals from varying relevant fields as well as members of the general public.
The main objective of this debate will be to assess the EU’s existing and proposed climate policies. It will discuss their efficient features, as well as their weak spots, especially focusing on the limits to their improvement (e.g. internal tensions among member states, lobbying efforts from big corporations etc.) and ways to overcome them.
Confirmed speakers:
- Gabriela Fischerová, Director of Climate Change Section, Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic
- Adéla Denková, Editor-in-Chief,
- Ondřej Šrámek, Public Affairs Director, KNAUF Insulation
- Zanna Vanrenterghem, Climate Ambition Project Coordinator, Climate Action Network Europe
The debate will be moderated by Christian Kvorning Lassen, EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy.
You can register here or contact us via
The event is also available on Facebook and you can download the invitation through the PDF button on the right.
The project is co-organised by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy and Glopolis in cooperation with Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Prague and under the auspices of the UN Information Centre Prague.