INVITATION | Migration and Climate in the Czech Republic after the War

The results of the first public opinion poll in the Czech Republic, conducted within the RevivEU project, on the topics of migration, climate change and attitudes towards the EU will be presented. The STEM agency is involved in the research, and its representatives will comment on the most interesting results of this part of the project, including some findings from the same survey conducted in other V4 countries.
We will also present the RevivEU project, which explores V4 citizens' attitudes towards the EU and four key issues related to European integration - climate change, migration, COVID-19 and post-pandemic recovery, and the rule of law. In the first phase, the project also analyses the approach of governments to European legislation in these areas and the way these topics are reflected and communicated in the public space.
We would be delighted if you could attend the presentation of the results and the subsequent discussion. To participate, registration is required using the form at the following link:
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