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INVITATION: Future of the EU after Covid-19 – Views from Visegrad

We would like to invite you to the Think Visegrad Panel Discussion focused on the topic of "Future of the EU after Covid-19". The event will take place on Wednesday 11 November between 16:00–17:15 via Zoom and will be broadcasted on Facebook.
11. November 2020


Aleš Chmelař – Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Czechia
Martin Klus – State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Slovakia 
Daniel Bartha – Director for Foreign Affairs at Equilibrium Institute, Hungary
Melchior Szczepanik – Analyst at Polish Institute of International Affairs, Poland
Chair: Jana Juzová – Research Fellow at EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, Czechia

The EU has begun a reflection process and discussion on its own future already during the Slovak Presidency in 2016. This process was planned to be concluded by the Conference on the Future of the EU, intended to provide renewed momentum to the European integration. The abrupt emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic and the consequent human and economic damages to the Member States forced the EU to engage in crisis management first and foremost, and its long-term agenda secondly.  It is clear that the post-pandemic recovery, which is increasingly revolving around advancing the green and digital transitions, will influence the future of the EU. This panel discussion aims to explore the Visegrad countries' views on the recovery, how it aligns with the overarching priorities of the EU, and future directions of the European integration.

You can follow the event here.

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