INVITATION | EU - Pacific Talks: Free and Open Indo-Pacific: Bold vision for bold players

Over the years, the Indo-Pacific region has emerged as an arena of great power competition. As we see China continue to flex its economic and military presence in the region, to counter, the US and EU have set out strategies to reshape the balance of power including the US’s US Indo-Pacific Strategy and the EU’s Joint Communication on the EU strategy for cooperation in the Indo-Pacific’. The Free and Open Indo-Pacific aims to improve “connectivity” between allies in Asia and Africa, through free and open Indo-Pacific, and, with ASEAN as the hinge of two oceans, promote stability and prosperity of the region as a whole. The Czech Republic currently holds the EU Presidency and has even made the Indo-Pacific a key aspect of their agenda.
- Antoine Bondaz, Research Fellow, Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique, TBC
- Takashi Hosoda, Lector & External Associate, Charles University
- Nicholas Szechenyi, Senior Fellow, CSIS
Moderation: Alexandra Visnerova, Senior Project Manager, EUROPEUM
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