INVITATION: EU± // Europeanisation in the times of corona pandemics (online)

WHEN - April 30., from 14:30–16:00
Has the crisis increased our understanding of how the national and European levels affect each other? Should we expect the EU to grow more together as a result of the crisis or will the member states grow apart?
Can the corona pandemics offer any new perspective on the Europeanisation debate so far? How has the EU and its role been understood in the public debate in different countries? Will it have a lasting impact on how the public and the politicians see the European integration? Which developments that we have witnessed so far can we consider the most important in terms of the future development in the EU? Does the concept of Europeanisation offer any hints regarding future developments?
Confirmed speakers:
- Heidi Maurer, University of Bristol, United Kingdom
- Kristi Raik, Eesti Välispoliitika Instituut, Estonia
- Paolo Graziano, University of Padova, Italy
Moderation will be provided by Tomáš Weiss from the Department of European Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University.
Debate will be live-streamed online on the pages of EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy and Katedra evropských studií IMS FSV UK. You can submit your questions to our speakers through comments at the live stream or at this event.
The debate is organised with the support of Jean Monnet Chair TeDEUSS - Teaching and debating EU small states' security at Charles University and is co-funded by the Europe for Citizes Programme of the European Union.