INVITATION: Decarbonisation as a cure for energy poverty: What next for the Social Climate Fund
We would like to invite you to a roundtable discussion on "Decarbonisation as a cure for energy poverty: What next for the Social Climate Fund" on 25th October 2022, 13:30 - 15:00, online on Zoom. The event is organised by the Centre for Transport and Energy and EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy.
25. October 2022

13:30 welcome and opening speeches
- Polona Gregorin, Deputy Head of Unit - ETS Policy Development and Auctioning, DG Clima
- Jan Tůma, Head of Emissions Trading Department, Ministry of Environment, Czech Republic
- Frida Sund Falkevik, Environment Attaché, Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU
- Zuzana Vondrová, Project Manager, Centre for Transport and Energy, Czech Republic
- Nina Gareis, Policy Officer, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, Germany
14:00 open discussion
15:00 end
Moderator: Barbora Urbanová, director, Centre for Transport and Energy
Energy prices are extremely high and citizens and businesses are struggling to pay their bills. At the same time, the EU is negotiating the creation of the new Social Climate Fund under the Czech Presidency. The fund is intended to help tackle energy and transport poverty and, in combination with the extension of the EU ETS to road transport and buildings, to help decarbonise these sectors. Let's discuss together how to set the rules so that the system is effective, fair, and socially sensitive.
The roundtable discussion will be conducted in English under Chatham House rule.