INVITATION: Café Evropa online: The adoption of the euro in the Czech Republic - when will be the right time?
By joining the EU, Czechia has committed itself, among other things, to adopt the common European currency - the euro. However, this commitment is not specified in time. Not only whether Czechia is ready for the introduction of the euro will be another of the Café Evropa debates. The debate will take place on Monday 6.12. from 17:30 online on our Facebook.
6. December 2021

- Elena Kohútiková, former vice-governor, National Bank of Slovakia, Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board of VUB bank
- Marek Mora, vice-governor, National Bank of the Czech Republic
- Tomáš Prouza, President, Confederation of Trade and Tourism of the Czech Republic, Member of the Presidency of the Euro Initiative in the Czech Republic
Moderator: Ondřej Houska, Hospodářské noviny