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INVITATION: A Fair, Green and Digital Recovery of the EU: Czech and Portuguese Perspectives

We would like to invite you to an online conference " A Fair, Green and Digital Recovery of the EU: Czech and Portuguese Perspectives" organized by the Embassy of Portugal in Prague in cooperation with the EUROPEUM Institute, Institute of International Relations, European Investment Bank, and the European Commission in the Czech Republic. The conference will take place on February 16 at 13-17:30 PM and will be live-streamed online on our Facebook page.
16. February 2021

The ambitious triple plan to transform the European Union in a fair, green and digital fashion moves from the strategy-planning period to its first implementation phase in 2021. The Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the EU has thus a unique chance to initiate strategies that will define our next decade in face of the current COVID-19 crisis. Besides bringing Europe back on the growth trajectory after the deep recession through the biggest 7-year budget in the EU´s history, there are two equally important ambitions: to start the continent´s path to the 2030 climate targets and to navigate the bloc to the digital decade. How can this be done in a fair and sustainable manner?


13:00 - 14:10 Keynote and Opening Remarks – Time to Deliver: A Fair, Green and Digital Recovery
14:10 - 15:40 Making the EU Fit for the 55 %: Energy Transformation through the European Green Deal
15:40 - 17:10 E-Recovery: Initiating the Digital Decade in the Post-COVID-19 Europe
17:10 - 17:30 Concluding Remarks

For more information, please see the Facebook event or IIR webpage

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