INVITATION: A Europe fit for Digital Age – Challenges regarding the development of 5G networks in Europe and in V4

According to the EU's 5G Action Plan, 5G Networks were supposed to be launched in all EU Member States by the end of 2020. However, due to several reasons, 5G Networks became a controversial topic, that often divides public opinion. What is the current situation over 5G networks in Europe? How are V4 countries acting in regards to this technology? Is 5G posing security threats and why did it become a victim of various conspiracy and disinformation theories? And how can disinformation, often rife on social media, be effectively combatted in order to ensure democratic integrity?
This topic will be discussed with the following experts:
• Gergély Varga, Senior Research Fellow, IFAT, Hungary
• Konrad Poplawski, Head of Central European Department, OSW, Poland
• Pavel Havlíček, Research Fellow, AMO, Czechia
• Peter Stuckmann, Head of Future Connectivity Systems, DG Connect, European Commission (TBC)
Chair: Žiga Faktor, Head of Brussels Office, EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
You can follow the event HERE.