Café Evropa: Pardubice
We invite you to the first debate of this year from the Café Evropa series, which will focus on European topics discussed in Pardubice. The event will take place on February 27, 2024, at 5:30 PM at the Institut Paměti Národa Pardubice, třída Míru 60, Pardubice.
27. February 2024

Come and join us for a discussion about the current European topics resonating in Pardubice and about how you envision Europe.
- Klára Votavová, Research Fellow, EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
- David Koppitz, Director of the SFÉRA Educational Center
Moderator: Igor Blahušiak, EU Analyst
The debate is organized by the Institute for European Policy EUROPEUM and the Representation of the European Commission in the Czech Republic in cooperation with EuropeDirect Pardubice and the Institut Paměti Národa Pardubice.
We look forward to seeing you!