Café Evropa online: Food security and the war in Ukraine - will there be enough food for the developing world?
We invite you to a debate within the Café Evropa series, this time on the topic "Food security and the war in Ukraine - will there be enough food for the developing world?". The debate will take place on 21 June at 17:00 online on our Facebook profile.
17. June 2022

- Hynek Roubík, vědecký pracovník, Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze
- Monika Tóthová, ekonomická expertka, Organizace OSN pro výživu a zemědělství (FAO)
Moderator: Ondřej Houska, Hospodářské noviny
The debate is organised by the European Commission in the Czech Republic and EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy. The media partner of the debate is Dení The event will be broadcast live online and you can watch the live stream on the Café Evropa website. You will be able to join the discussion directly during the debate by commenting below the video.
The Facebook event page can be found here.
The live stream will be available here.