An active and comprehensive Czech European policy - mutual perception of the Czech Republic and the EU

The goal of the panel discussion will be to debate on the extent to which the Czech Republic is active, comprehensive and successful in defining and promoting its interests, how is the Czech Republic perceived by other European actors and how does the Czech Republic perceive the latest developments in the EU.
• Vladimir Bartovic, Director of the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
• Tomáš Prouza, State Secretary for European Affairs
• Jan Zahradil, Member of the European Parliament
• Tereza Novotna, researcher of the Institute of European Studies, Université Libre in Brussels
• Tomáš Weiss, Director of the Department of European Studies CU
The debate will be held on Thursday, March 31 from 15:00 to 17:00 at the Václav Havel Library (Ostrovní 13, Prague 1).
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Please find the official invitation in PDF on the right.