A Mixed Bag? Reflections on the Big Bang Enlargement 12 Years On

The event takes place on Monday, 2 May 2016 from 18:30 to 20:30 at the Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the EU (Rue Caroly 15, 1050 Bruxelles) and will be followed by light refreshments.
Book Presentation by:
Tereza Novotná, Institute for European Studies, ULB, Associate Research Fellow, EUROPEUM
Speakers Include:
Pavel Telička, MEP, former Czech Republic's chief negotiator for EU accession
Poul S. Christoffersen, former chief EU negotiator and Danish permanent representative to the EU
Simon Mordue, Director for Strategy and Turkey, European Commission, DG NEAR
Chaired by:
Mario Telò, LUISS Guido Carli, Université libre de Bruxelles and the Belgian Royal Academy of Scienceslicy
Please register here, or contact us via europeum@europeum.org.
The official invitation can be downloaded via the PDF button on the right of this article.