EU MONITOR: Conference on the Future of Europe – another victim of the COVID-19?
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7. 8. 2020
EUROPEUM's associate research fellow Zuzana Stuchlíková describes the impact of COVID-19 on the Conference on the Future of Europe in her EU Monitor.

Making Flexible Europe Work? European Governance and the Potential of Differentiated Cooperation
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4. 6. 2020
Our associate researcher fellow Zuzana Stuchlíková (former head of our Brussels Office) contributed to the report of the project "DIFF GOV: European Governance: Potential of Differentiated Cooperation". Its goal is to explore the potential for flexible modes of cooperation between European Union Member States.

REPORT: A hard reset for EU-Africa relations? Visegrad perspectives for a post-pandemic era
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28. 5. 2020
An online panel discussion on EU-Africa relations from the perspective of the Visegrad countries in the context of the coronavirus pandemic took place on Tuesday 26th May 2020. The event was organized by the Think Visegrad platform consisting of think tanks from Central Europe. The debate was broadcasted live on the Facebook page of the Institute for European Policy EUROPEUM.

Coronavirus in Belgium – beyond the alarming statistics
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4. 5. 2020
Our Zuzana Stuchlíková analyzes in her latest blog COVID-19 situation in Belgium.

REPORT: EU enlargement during the coronavirus crisis
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27. 4. 2020
The panel discussion titled “EU enlargement during the Coronavirus crisis” was organised by the Think Visegrad in Brussels platform and took place on Thursday, April 23rd 2020. Due to the special circumstances related to the Coronavirus pandemic, the debate was held on the online platform Zoom and broadcasted on the Facebook page of EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy. The panellists focused on the implications of the COVID-19 health crisis on the EU enlargement policy in Western Balkans.

Czech Republic’s Response To The Coronavirus Pandemic: Chaotic Success Story?
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24. 4. 2020
Zuzana Stuchlíková wrote an article for the Robert Schuman Foundation about Czechia's response to COVID-19. The article was published as a part of the series Managing COVID-19, A Journey Through Europe.

Invitation: EU enlargement during the coronavirus crisis: Opportunities and threats
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20. 4. 2020
EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy invites you to the event organised by the Think Visegrad platform in Brussels titled "EU enlargement during the coronavirus crisis: Opportunities and threats". The online event will take place on Thrusday, 23 April.

EURACTIV: In the beginning of the crisis every state was protecting just its citizens. "Impersonal" summit can revive the neglected solidarity.
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26. 3. 2020
Zuzana Stuchlíková was quoted in EURACTIV in article about next EU summit and the member states' cooperation in a fight against coronavirus.

ČRo Plus: Z. Stuchlíková on the Josep Borrel's visit to the USA
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7. 2. 2020
The chief of European diplomacy is heading to Washington, where he will be meeting the secretary of state Mike Pompeo, but also the opposition's Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi. What topics will be discussed? What is the main goal of this visit? Our Zuzana Stuchlíková answered these questions in the broadcast of Czech Radio.

CT24: Brand and position of the V4 in the EU
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17. 1. 2020
Our Zuzana Stuchlíková was a guest of Thursday afternoon Události a komentáře CT24. The subject of her commentary was the brand and position of the V4 in the EU.

Lidové noviny: Legacy or the "Last Chance Commission"
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9. 12. 2019
Our Zuzana Stuchlíková published an article with the evaluation of the Commission, led by Jean-Claude Juncker, on the objectives it set as its program and on the responses to the situations it faced.

iRozhlas: Juncker's team was supposed to say goodbye to the office, but the process is scrubbing. The stumbling block is Romania
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8. 11. 2019
Our Zuzana Stuchlíková provided a comment for iRozhlas.cz on the events surrounding the parting of Juncker's team with the authority.