The Democrat: República Checa. A reeleição de Milos Zeman é fundamental para Babis governar sem a confiança do Parlamento
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20. 11. 2017
Our Zuzana Stuchlíková commented on the post-election situation in the Czech Republic for the Portugese magazine "The Democrat".

The Democrat: República Checa: Crise política iniciada pelo CSSD favorece ascensão de Andrej Babis à liderança do governo
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18. 10. 2017
Our Zuzana Stuchlíková commented on the political situation in the Czech Republic for the Portuguese magazine "The Democrat".

ČT24: UK is being criticised by the EU over brexit talks
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4. 10. 2017
Head of our Brussels Office Zuzana Stuchlikova commented for ČT24 the criticism of European Parliament adressed to London over slow brexit talks

ČRo: Free movement of workers will end with Brexit
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28. 7. 2017
Zuzana Stuchlíková was answering for CRo Plus questions about stopping free movement of workers after Britain leaves the EU.

EU: Final warning to Poland
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27. 7. 2017
Our Zuzana Stuchlikova commented for DW.com current situation in Poland due to controversial judicial reforms and country's tense relationship with the EU.

TA3: D. Kerekeš and Z. Stuchlíková on A. Duda's veto of new controversial laws
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25. 7. 2017
In an interview for TA3, our Zuzana Stuchlíková commented on Polish president A. Duda's statements suggesting that he would veto the new controversial laws.

Studio TA3: D. Kerekeš and Z. Stuchlíková on controversial judicial reforms in Poland
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24. 7. 2017
Head of ours Brussels Office, Zuzana Stuchlíková, commented in an interview for Slovak TA3 the pass of controversial reform of Supreme Court by Poland's parliament.