EURACTIV.CZ: Princip právního státu ve střední Evropě pod tlakem. Jak je na tom Česko?
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20. 3. 2019
Zuzana Stuchlíková answered the questions concerning the legal system in the Czech Republic.

Euractiv.cz: Právní stát v zemích Visegrádské čtyřky: Z pilných žáků černé ovce
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1. 3. 2019
Zuzana Stuchlíková answered the questions concerning the legal system of Visegrad states. The interview was held by a redactor of the server Euractiv.cz

ČT: British parliament’s vote on amendments to Brexit deal
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30. 1. 2019
Our Zuzana Stuchlíková commented for the Czech TV on the British parliament’s vote on amendments to Brexit deal.

Český rozhlas Plus: Is Romania ready for the EU Presidency?
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15. 1. 2019
Our Zuzana Stuchlíková in an interview for the Czech Radio on the topic of Romanian EU presidency and its domestic policy.

ČT24: Romania takes over the EU presidency
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10. 1. 2019
Our Zuzana Stuchlíková was a guest of the Studio ČT24 where she commented on the Romania's EU presidency and its priorities.

TA3: Z. Stuchliková on Romania’s EU Presidency
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10. 1. 2019
Our Zuzana Stuchlíková commented on the upcoming Romania’s EU presidency for Slovak TA3 television.

Pravda.sk: Šefčovič got support and will try to replace Juncker
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18. 9. 2018
Our Zuzana Stuchlíková contributed to the Slovak daily Pravda.sk with a commentary on Maroš Ševčovič’s candidacy for President of the European Commission.

Parlamentné Listy: Brussels didn't notice the V4 since the migration crisis in 2015, then the situation changed...
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9. 7. 2018
Our Zuzana Stuchlíková commented for Parlamentné Listy the stances of Brussels towards the Visegrád group after the migration crisis in 2015.

Teraz.sk: The V4 is perceived by Brussels mainly through migration.
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9. 7. 2018
Our Zuzana Stuchlíková commented for Teraz.sk the stances of Brussels towards the Visegrád group.

SME Svet: Be patient, the Union says to the Balkan countries
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18. 5. 2018
Our Zuzana Stuchlíková commented for the Slovak SME Svet the ongoing EU-Western Balkans summit.

Pravda.sk: Bratislava has issues to solve. But it remains pro-European
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20. 4. 2018
Our Zuzana Stuchlíková, in an article for Pravda.sk, commented on Slovakia's domestic political scene and its position in the European Union after the murder of the investigative journalist Jan Kuciak and his fiancée.

ČRo: EU budget after Brexit commentary
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27. 2. 2018
Zuzana Stuchlíková in an interview for Český Rozhlas comments on the situation around the changes in the EU budget related to Brexit.