ČT24 | Síkela could be EU Trade Commissioner
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9. 9. 2024
Ursula von der Leyen will present the new EU Commissioners list on Wednesday 18 September. The President of the European Commission may come with a new portfolio that has not been there before. Until then it is not sure what portfolio will Jozef Síkela get. Whether it would be the wanted trade discussed Žiga Faktor, deputy director of EUROPEUM Institute and head of the Brussels office, live on ČT24.

Bruselské chlebíčky | The European Parliament is looking for the weakest prey before grilling the Commissioners. Von der Leyen remains strong
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9. 9. 2024
The position of the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, remains strong. The fact that the Member States ignored her request to propose two candidates for the post of new European Commissioner: a man and a woman, does not change this. The guest on podcast Bruselské chebíčky on Czech Radio was the deputy director of EUROPEUM Institute and head of the Brussels office Žiga Faktor.

Teraz.sk | Will the composition of the European Commission be balanced again?
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6. 9. 2024
President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen presents the composition of the new EU executive to the Conference of Presidents of the European Parliament on Wednesday 11 September. This will include the portfolio presented and the work agenda assigned to each commissioner. According to Slovakian TASR, it is already certain that the European Commission will not be gender balanced as it was in 2019-2024. Žiga Faktor, deputy director of EUROPEUM Institute and head of the Brussels office, commented for Teraz.sk.

Blesk.cz | Síkela could head the energy sector in Brussels, but there is no joy in Prague now
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5. 9. 2024
It looked like a real victory by the Czech EU negotiators. At least the German Die Welt presented it almost as a fait accompli that the influential post of EU Energy Commissioner was to be taken by the Minister of Industry and Trade Jozef Síkela. For Blesk daily commented Deputy Director and head of Brussels office of EUROPEUM Institute Žiga Faktor.

ČT24 | Von der Leyen knows almost all the candidates for EU Commissioners
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30. 8. 2024
European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen already knows almost all the candidates for her future team. The deadline for member states to make their views known ends on Friday, August 30. In July, the EU chief executive asked member states to propose both, a man and a woman so that she will have an equal representation in the Commission. So far, only Bulgaria has heeded the EC chief's request and as the only country offered both a man and a woman. Also, the Lithuanian candidate has not been officially nominated, but his name has been mentioned in some media. For ČT24 comments Žiga Faktor, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute.

e15 | Síkela has a chance at a key position in the new European Commission, von der Leyen faces tough negotiations
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23. 8. 2024
Intense behind-the-scenes negotiations are currently underway in Brussels over the allocation of 27 positions in the new European Commission, which will once again be led by Ursula von der Leyen. The German politician faces two major challenges: the limited number of strong economic portfolios, which many member states, including the Czech Republic, are vying for, and the effort to create the first-ever gender-balanced Commission, complicated by the predominance of male candidates. The situation was commented on for e15 by Žiga Faktor, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute.

ČT24 | The government confirmed the nomination of Jozef Síkela to the European Commission
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21. 8. 2024
Czech government has confirmed the nomination of Minister of Industry and Trade Jozef Síkela for the position of Czech EU Commissioner at its meeting. How will the appointment process continue? And what are Síkela's chances of securing a significant portfolio in the European Commission? Žiga Faktor, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute, answers on ČT24 broadcast.

Euractiv.cz | EU strengthened resilience, now security will be a priority
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30. 7. 2024
This year the Czech Republic celebrates twenty years of membership in the European Union. In the meantime, the EU has gone through turbulent years associated with a series of crises - from economic to migration to pandemic and security. However, the wealth of the Czechs has increased by more than 40 percent over the years and the standard of living has reached 90 percent of the European average. This is according to data presented by the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic on the occasion of the anniversary, while Czech exports grew by more than 320 percent thanks to EU membership. Žiga Faktor, head of EUROPEUM Institute's Brussels office, comments on the other challenges the EU now faces.

FORUM24 | The Impact of the Patriots of Europe Group Power
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19. 7. 2024
How could the strengthening of the far right in the European Parliament manifest in practice? How strong and influential could the political group Patriots of Europe become? Could it affect decision-making at the level of the European Council? What developments can we expect in the European Commission under von der Leyen's leadership? Žiga Faktor, Deputy Director and Head of the Brussels Office of EUROPEUM Institute, answered in an interview for FORUM24.

ČT24 | Von der Leyen re-elected as president of the European Commission
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18. 7. 2024
Ursula von der Leyen has retained her position as President of the European Commission. She received a total of 401 votes, significantly exceeding the required majority of 361 votes. The result was not as close as expected. What ultimately helped her achieve victory? And how difficult was it for her to negotiate support? Deputy Director and Head of the Brussels Office of EUROPEUM Institute, Žiga Faktor, commented for ČT24.

STVR | The first plenary session of the European Parliament in its new composition
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17. 7. 2024
The first session of the European Parliament after the elections is beginning. MEPs will elect the presidents of the European Parliament and the European Commission. How does the plenary session proceed? And what will be crucial during it? Žiga Faktor, deputy director and head of the Brussels office at EUROPEUM Institute, responds for Slovak STVR.

TASR | Slovakia will have only one female MEP in the European People's Party
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15. 7. 2024
After the June European elections, Slovakia will have its weakest representation in the largest political group of the European Parliament - the European People's Party - since joining the EU in 2004. The only MEP in the EPP faction will be Miriam Lexmann from the Christian Democratic Movement. For the Slovak News Agency commented Žiga Faktor, head of the Brussels office and deputy director of EUROPEUM Institute.