INTELLINEWS: VISEGRAD BLOG: Zeman tries to show he is still in charge of Czech foreign policy
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6. 12. 2021
Our Director Zdeněk Beránek has contributed to a piece by Robert Anderson for Intellinews. He tackles Zeman´s stand on the Visegrad Four partnership and his obstruction to shift the foreign policy of the Czech republic towards a focus on human rights.

e15.cz: What Merkel's successors are planning: wage increase, digitalization and continuation of Nord Stream 2
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2. 12. 2021
What will the new government do for the environment? And how are German-Russian relations likely to develop? Our research associate Tereza Novotná and the institute's director Zdeněk Beránek contributed to this article on what the future German coalition is up to.

Washington Examiner: Germany will continue to host US nuclear weapons, incoming government says
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25. 11. 2021
Despite strong anti-nuclear traditions within the major parties of the coalition, the incoming government has decided that Germany will continue to host US nuclear weapons. The EUROPEUM Director Zdeněk Beránek has commented on this topic for Washington Examiner.

Hospodářské noviny: Zeman is bothered by him, diplomats praise him. How did Lipavský attract attention in the world?
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19. 11. 2021
In Hospodářské noviny, the director of the Institute for European Policy EUROPEUM, Zdeněk Beránek, commented on the current foreign policy activities of Jan Lipavský, who is nominated for the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Radio Prague International: Fiala govt will be pro-Western but shift on migration unlikely
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15. 11. 2021
The director of the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, Zdeněk Beránek, commented for Czech Radio on the incoming Czech government headed by Petr Fiala of the ODS. He looked at whether the new government will actually follow Havel's human rights agenda, or what its installation will mean for the Visegrad Four.

Five parties agree on new pro-European government: Orbán has lost its close ally
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9. 11. 2021
The director of the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, Zdeněk Beránek, commented for the Danish newspaper Politiken on the topic of Orbán's ally loss - Andrej Babiš. He commented on the changes that come with the departure of Babiš and his replacement by Petr Fiala as prime minister. He mentions the rhetoric and style, the stance on the European Union's climate packages and the identification and solution of the Czech Republic's problems.

ČRo plus: Joe Biden's negotiations with Emmanuel Macron after the French-American diplomatic row and their further cooperation
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29. 10. 2021
Zdeněk Beránek, director of the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, spoke to Czech Radio about Joe Biden's European tour and his meeting with Emmanuel Macron for the first time since the diplomatic row over the cancelled delivery of French submarines to Australia. He explained what the agenda of their meeting was, i.e. how this row has affected French-American relations, but also how cooperation is taking place in the light of the rise of China, or on the topics of economic recovery and climate change.

E15.cz: Analysis: Less anti-EU rhetoric and distance from Orbán. The substance of foreign policy remains
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22. 10. 2021
Zdeněk Beranek, Director of the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, commented for the news portal E15 on the future direction of Czech foreign policy towards the European Union. Beránek does not expect a significant change in attitude towards the EU and expects the anti-Brussels rhetoric to cease with the new government. On the other hand, relations with problematic EU members such as Poland and Hungary will weaken.

Washington Examiner: NATO pans Russian complaints after Lavrov shutters diplomatic offices
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19. 10. 2021
Our Director Zdeněk Beránek gave a statement for Washington Examiner about Moscow's relationship with NATO.

ČT24: Uniting the Hungarian opposition
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18. 10. 2021
The director of the Europeum Institute for European Policy, Zdeněk Beránek, spoke live on ČT24 about uniting the Hungarian opposition.

E15: Dutch PM wants to take EU money away from Poland. He wants to freeze Dutch money from Poland
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14. 10. 2021
Zdeněk Beranek, Director of the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, commented for the news portal E15 on the statement of Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte on the rejection of the Polish National Recovery Plan. Poland would lose €36 billion, roughly CZK 914 billion, in EU funds. However, according to Zdeněk Beránek, such a scenario is not imminent.

Emerging Europe: Despite new Warsaw-Brussels feud, there will be no Polexit
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14. 10. 2021
The Director of Europeum Institute for European Policy Zdeněk Beránek contributed to an article on the current relations between Poland and the European Union. The article refutes predictions of Poland's imminent departure from the EU and covers, among other things, the disputes over the Turów mine.