The Future of Transatlantic Relations in Light of President Trump
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12. 7. 2018
Moving the country in a path of isolation, Trump has diluted European allies’ confidence that the United States is a reliable partner in upholding commitments and agreements.

What do the United States mid-term elections mean for Europe?
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4. 7. 2018
Our Rachel Warren analyses, in her latest blog, the round of mid-term elections that were just held in the US.

Europe on Populism: Policies of intolerance should not be tolerated
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15. 6. 2018
Our Rachel Warren analyzes in her latest blog the rise of populist tendencies in European politics.

Pompeo’s Pompeii: The Eruption of the Iranian Peace Accords and What this means for the EU.
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29. 5. 2018
Our Rachel Warren analyzes, in her latest blog, the Iranian Peace Accords after the arrival of the new Secretary of State Mark Pompeo.

Transatlantic Relations amidst a Trade War
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16. 4. 2018
Our Laura Skana writes, in her latest blog, about the state of Transatlantic relations amidst an ongoing trade war.

The change in the balance of power after Brexit
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9. 5. 2017
Our Brussels Office Intern Emiel Dijkman focuses in his blog on the change in the balance of European power after the UK decided in their referendum to leave the Union.

The New Silk Road Controversy and the Beijing Summit
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5. 5. 2017
In her new blog, Hanka Burešová analyses the upcoming summit in Beijing from the perspective of China's OBOR project and its developments towards the EU.

Duel for the next German chancellor
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28. 3. 2017
In her new blog, Hanka Burešová examines the upcoming political duel between Angela Merkel and Martin Schulz for the seat of the next German chancellor.

Is the European Defence Union the way forward?
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15. 3. 2017
Our Brussels Office Intern Emiel Dijkman focuses in his blog on the prospects of the European Defence Union and possible areas of European cooperation in terms of defence and security.

EU has a role to play in the Syria Peace Talks II.
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25. 2. 2016
Matthieu Crévecoeur continues to analyse the current situation in the Middle East with connection to the suspended peace talks in Genève. He underlines the importance of solidarity and courage which should be demonstrated by the EU in order to make the peace talks successful.

EU has a role to play in the suspended UN Syria Peace Talks I.
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22. 2. 2016
After the suspension of UN Syria Peace Talks with the Syrian government and opposition in Geneva, read what Matthieu Crévecoeur thinks about such a development and its significance for both the role of the EU in the Peace Talks and the Union's need to understand better the regional dynamics.

Another challenge for Europe: Fighting irregular warfare & exploitation of the NSAs
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26. 1. 2016
Europe, specifically the European Union, is now facing more pressing challenges than ever. Read a blog by Matthieu Crévecoeur in which he emphasizes the importance of staying united on both domestic and European level.