Pozvánka: Café Evropa online: The EU and the LGBTI theme - what are the European institutions doing in regards to the rights and protection of sexual minorities
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15. 7. 2020
EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy cordially invites you to another debate in the Café Evropa series. The discussion about "the EU and the LGBTI theme - what are the European institutions doing in regards of the rights and protection of sexual minorities?" will take place on Monday, August 3rd from 17:00 online on Café Evropa's Facebook page.

ČT24: EU package to save the economy
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1. 7. 2020
The director of our Institute, Vladimír Bartovic, was one of the guests of Studio ČT24 on Monday, June 29. He commented on the EU's rescue package for the European economy.

Hospodářské noviny: Germans take over EU leadership. Other countries are already looking forward to it
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1. 7. 2020
Vladimír Bartovic commented for Hospodářské noviny on the preparations for the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU in connection with the beginning of the German Presidency.

E15: Voting on Babiš: The Czech state is also in conflict of interest when it defends the prime minister, says a political scientist
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20. 6. 2020
Our director Vladimír Bartovic commented on the European Parliament's vote on the conflict of interests of Prime Minister Andrej Babiš for the E15 daily.

Report: What will travel look like in summer?
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12. 6. 2020
The Euroskop website published a report from our debate Café Evropa "Opening borders: When will we be able to travel in Schengen again", which took place on 8 June.

TA3: V. Bartovic on opening borders in Europe
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8. 6. 2020
EUROPEUM's director Vladimír Bartovic commented on opening borders in Europe for the Slovak television TA3.

iRozhlas: The pandemic overshadowed Brexit, negotiations are still stagnating. Britain with EU are dashing into no deal, says expert
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1. 6. 2020
Director of our Institute Vladimír Bartovic was interviewed by iRozhlas, where he talks about the still ongoing negotiations between Great Britain and EU.

ČRo Plus: Czech diplomacy increased its numbers in EU's institutions. Tomáš Szunyog will become ambassador of European union in Kosovo.
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25. 5. 2020
Czech Republic will have already its fourth representative on the position of the ambassador of the European Union. Tomáš Szunyog will become ambassador of the European union in Kosovo. Vladimír Bartovic, director of our institute, was talking about this issue on ČRo Plus.

TA3: V. Bartovic about EU countries' progress in fighting pandemic and a new emergency fund
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19. 5. 2020
EUROPEUM's director Vladimír Bartovic commented on the release of measures against the spread of coronavirus in the EU on the Slovak television TA3.

Deník: A vaccine is being sought. EU has raised over seven billion Euros for research
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11. 5. 2020
Director of our Institute was quoted in Deník.cz, where he talks about the worldwide fond organized by the EU, which should be used on finding a coronavirus vaccine.

La Vanguardia: Eastern European countries defend early and drastic action to stop the virus
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4. 5. 2020
Director of our Institute was quoted in La Vanguardia, where he talks about Eastern Europe's reaction to coronavirus crisis.

TA3: Director of Europeum V. Bartovič on the easing of EU crisis measures
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22. 4. 2020
Our director Vladimír Bartovic gave an interview on the topic of the European Commission's plan for the gradual termination of restrictive measures against the spread of COVID-19.