RTVS: In the Centre of Europe
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30. 1. 2019
Our director Vladimír Bartovic was a guest on a Slovak TV show In the Centre of Europe.

ČT24: EU - Mandatory liability insurance for electric bicycles?
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23. 1. 2019
Vladimir Bartovic commented the European Commission's proposal on a mandatory liability insurance for electric bikes and similar small electric vehicles.

ČT24: The UK and the EU preparing for the Brexit.
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23. 1. 2019
Vladimír Bartovic spoke about the Brexit on the Czech television.

Český rozhlas Plus: Brexit
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21. 1. 2019
Vladimír Bartovic was a guest of the Czech Radio where he talked about the Brexit and the current political situation in the UK.

INFO.CZ: Brexit will be delayed. Otherwise the paralysed Britain might leave the EU without a deal
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16. 1. 2019
Our director Vladimír Bartovic commented the vote on Brexit deal in British Parliament.

Info.cz: "Troublemakers" Salvini and Kaczyński gather forces ahead of the EP elections. It's unfortunate for V4, experts say
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11. 1. 2019
Our director Vladimír Bartovic commented on the possible eurosceptic alliance for the European Parliament election.

ČT24: Theresa May survives the vote
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13. 12. 2018
Vladimír Bartovic was a guest of the morning Studio 6 where he commented no no-confidence vote.

RTVS Slovensko: The vote on Brexit deal
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11. 12. 2018
Vladimír Bartovic was a guest of the Slovak Radio where he talked about the vote in British parliament on the Brexit deal.

ČRo Plus: Ongoing Brexit negotiations
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10. 12. 2018
Vladimír Bartovic commented on the ongoing Brexit negotiations and a spoke about the upcoming vote on Brexit in British parliament.

Info.cz: Final phase of Brexit talks
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23. 11. 2018
Our Vladimír Bartovic commented for Info.cz on upcoming Brussels summit and the final phase of Brexit negotiations.

Český rozhlas Plus: Brussels summit and Brexit
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23. 11. 2018
Our Vladimír Bartovic commented on upcoming Brussels summit and the final phase of Brexit talks.

Český rozhlas Plus: American midterm elections
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8. 11. 2018
Our director Vladimír Bartovic commented on the result of the US midterm elections.