ČT24 | Negotiations on the new leadership of the European Union
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22. 6. 2024
Negotiations on the EU leadership positions will continue next week. On Thursday, leaders and presidents are due to make their final decision at a summit in Brussels. Vladimír Bartovic, President of EUROPEUM Institute, commented on whether Ursula von der Leyen will defend her post as President of the European Commission.

RTVS | What will be the balance of power at the top positions of the Union?
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19. 6. 2024
After the European Parliament elections, government leaders of the EU member states must agree on the leadership of the European institutions. The agreement must be finalized by the end of the month. Vladimír Bartovic, President of EUROPEUM Institute, answered questions about the negotiations.

E15.cz: Jamaica or Traffic lights? Germany is waiting for a month of uncertainty after the election
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29. 9. 2021
The director of the EUROPEUM Institute, Vladimír Bartovic, commented on the result of the elections in Germany and the formation of a new government in an article for the E15.cz website, claiming that negotiations between the political parties would take months.

Radio Slovensko: Polexit is not excluded says Ryszard Terlecki
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15. 9. 2021
The director of the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy Vladimír Bartovic commented on the Deputy Marshal of the Sejm. Ryszard Terlecki says that Poland's leaving the European Union is not excluded. Vladimír Bartovic thinks it is unlikely.

Lidovky.cz: Most of the events during the EU presidency will be hosted by Prague, leaving the regions with only unimportant crumbs
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14. 9. 2021
The director of our institute, Vladimír Bartovic, spoke in favour of the Lidovky.cz website about the Czech presidency of the Council of the European Union.

Lidovky.cz: The East does not catch up with the West. The line between the old and new EU states is evident in the pace of vaccination
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9. 9. 2021
The director of our institute, Vladimír Bartovic, spoke for the Lidovky.cz news about the differences between the western and eastern states of the European Union. From the post-communist area, only Lithuania managed to match the speed of vaccination of the West.

Radio Slovensko: Poland faces millions in sanctions for the activities of a committee that decides on the prosecution of judges and prosecutors
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8. 9. 2021
The director of the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy Vladimír Bartovic commented on the conflict between Brussels and Warsaw in a case of a violation of European law in the matter of criminal prosecution of judges and prosecutors. Therefore Poland faces heavy financial penalties.

Lidovky.cz: Pirate sailing into the EU ripples domestic waters. Politicians beat their proposal, and the coalition partner does not agree
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15. 7. 2021
The director of our institute, Vladimír Bartovic, spoke in favour of the Lidovky.cz website in support of the majority voting system in the Council of the European Union, to which the Pirate Party supported. According to Bartovic, a majority vote would be possible at least on foreign policy issues.

ČT24: Covid-19 pandemic in Europe
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13. 7. 2021
Director of the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy Vladimír Bartovic was a guest at ČT24 news broadcast. In the interview he commented on the global crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic and the future development of the European integration.

Hospodářské Noviny: Schillerová, Minister of Finance, plans spending cuts. Threatens the already record underfunded Czech Presidency of the European Union
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30. 6. 2021
Vladimír Bartovic, the director of the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, commented for Hospodářské Noviny on the government's reduction of spending on the Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union. He points out that there are currently fewer Czech representatives in the presidency than representatives from Malta, a fact that could weaken the Czech Republic's position.

Blesk: Epicentre: Zeman's outrageous insults of transgender people. And why hasn't the Czech Republic stood up for homosexuals?
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29. 6. 2021
The new Hungarian legislation has provoked a stormy reaction from the EU leadership. It bans education about sexual minorities in schools. However, the Czech Republic is one of the countries that has so far refused to join in the criticism of Hungary. In an interview with CNN Prima News on Sunday, President Miloš Zeman criticised women's political rights activists, the Me Too movement against sexual harassment and sexual minority events such as Prague Pride. His words that he finds transgender people "truly disgusting" have already gone around the world. Is the Czech Republic a progressive and liberal country, as Prime Minister Andrej Babiš claims? What are the implications of the condemnatory words of the head of state? These were the topics of Tuesday's Epicentre with Vladimír Bartovic, director of the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy.

ČRo Plus: The disunity of the European Union plays in favor of our rivals
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28. 6. 2021
The director of our institute, Vladimír Bartovic, spoke for Czech Radio Plus on the proposal of Germany and France for an EU meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, with whom the Netherlands and the Baltic states disagree.