Právo | Addressing migration outside Europe? Unrealistic
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29. 12. 2023
Read what our deputy director Viktor Daněk wrote for Právo about the migration pact. Will the migration pact solve all Europe's problems or not? Read more.

RTVS | The heads of Polish public media have been dismissed
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20. 12. 2023
The new Polish government is marked by significant changes. One of them is changes in personnel, not only in the state authorities, but also in the public media. On how the opposition and Polish society have reacted to this and what further effects it may have on Poland, our deputy director Viktor Daněk commented for RTVS.

ČRo Plus | What will the new EU migration rules commit the Czech Republic to?
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20. 12. 2023
After many years of unsuccessful efforts, EU member states and MEPs agreed today on new migration and asylum rules for the European bloc. The series of standards provides for, among other things, more effective checks on migrants and faster return of failed asylum seekers to their countries of origin. It also introduces compulsory solidarity among all EU states, which can help overburdened countries either by accepting part of the migrants or by providing financial or material aid. Our deputy director Viktor Daněk commented on the topic for Radiožurnál.

TV Nova | What to expect from the new Polish government?
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17. 12. 2023
Viktor Daněk, our Deputy Director, commented on the current government situation in Poland in a report for TV Nova.

Právo | Merchant Orbán cashed in Brussels
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16. 12. 2023
The EU opens accession talks with Ukraine and Moldova, contrary to Hungary's wishes. Even so, Hungary did not come out of the negotiations deprived - the European Commission released to Hungary 250 billion crowns from the funds blocked so far. How much longer can Orban hold Ukraine hostage in his decision-making? Our deputy director Viktor Daněk commented on the topic for Právo.

ČT24 | Is Ukraine succeeding in fulfilling its homework set by the EU?
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15. 12. 2023
Viktor Daněk, deputy director of EUROPEUM, was a guest on the 90' programme on the ČT24 television station, where he commented on the European Council summit. The summit approved accession negotiations with Ukraine. He also evaluated Hungary's role at the summit itself.

CNN Prima News | Orbán has been softened by the unblocking of EU subsidies. He did not veto the accession talks with the new states
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15. 12. 2023
The Hungarian leader has traded his consent to accession talks with Ukraine, Moldova and Bosnia-Herzegovina for European money. Or so it seems, given that right before the EU leaders' summit he announced that he would veto the move. Our deputy director Viktor Danek spoke about Hungary's position in an interview with CNN Prima News.

Lidové noviny | The shortcut does not lead to the Union. And Orbán's attitude? He has taken Ukraine and other EU countries hostage, says expert
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14. 12. 2023
Viktor Daněk, our Deputy Director, gave an interview to Lidové noviny about support for Ukraine and the opening of accession negotiations and Hungary's position in the expected negotiations at the European Council summit.

ČRo Plus | What will change when Donald Tusk becomes Prime Minister?
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13. 12. 2023
Donald Tusk is the new Prime Minister of Poland. Our deputy director Viktor Danek answers questions about the relationship with the European Union and the Polish judiciary in the context of the incoming Tusk government.

RTVS | Kaczyński's government in Poland ends, Donald Tusk becomes new prime minister
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13. 12. 2023
The post-election situation in Poland has taken a rather unsurprising turn. Kaczyński's government is ending and Donald Tusk has been elected the new Prime Minister of Poland. Our deputy director Viktor Daněk commented on the situation for RTVS.

TV Nova | Morawiecki's government in Poland will probably end. Donald Tusk should become the new prime minister
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11. 12. 2023
The post-election negotiations in Poland are continuing, and their development reflects the preferences and the course of action that most people expected. Viktor Daněk, deputy director of EUROPEUM, commented on the situation on TV Nova.

Právo | Will a consensus be reached on a European migration pact?
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6. 12. 2023
Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Vít Rakušan attended a meeting on the migration package in Brussels yesterday. Migration policy and the European migration pact is currently one of the most pressing topics in European politics. Our deputy director Viktor Daněk commented on the issue to the daily Právo.