TV Nova | President Duda appoints Morawiecki to form new Polish government
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7. 11. 2023
Three weeks after Poland's parliamentary elections, President Andrzej Duda on Monday evening entrusted the incumbent Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki with the task of forming a government. Viktor Daněk, deputy director of the EUROPEUM Institute, discussed the issue.

RTVS | Mandate for Mateusz Morawiecki to form a government in Poland
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7. 11. 2023
Poland's election winner and former prime minister Mateusz Morawiecki will form the government again. What are the obstacles Morawiecki will face in the next two weeks? Our deputy director Viktor Danek answers these questions on AKTUÁLNE :24.

ČRo Plus | Increased humanitarian aid for Gaza
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6. 11. 2023
The European Commission increases the amount of humanitarian aid it will provide in the Gaza Strip. Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute, comments on what led to this decision and what impact it will have.

ČT1 | Minister of Defence and leaving the UN
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5. 11. 2023
Czech Defence Minister Jana Černochová has called on social media for the country to withdraw from the UN. The reason was a resolution concerning Israel and Palestine. Her statement did not go unnoticed by the world media and diplomats. Viktor Daněk, deputy director of the Europeum Institute, commented on the topic for ČT1's 168 hodin programme.

ČRo Plus | Party candidates for the European elections, end of subsidies for the renewable component of electricity prices
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2. 11. 2023
The deputy director of the EUROPEUM Institute, Viktor Daněk, appeared on the ČRo Plus broadcast today and selected interesting topics from the current editions of the morning press.

HlídacíPes | "Like tales of lizard people." Conspiracies sounded at CTU, school disassociates itself
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31. 10. 2023
The European Union also appeared among the topics that economist Peter Staněk recently commented on at the CTU. However, his views are far from the truth. Our deputy director Viktor Daněk helped to set the matter straight.

ČT24 | Criticism of the EU or manipulation?
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29. 10. 2023
The news that the EU wants to restrict the keeping of certain domestic animals has made headlines. But it turns out that this is not the case. Is it necessary to create misinformation to criticise the European Union? The misleading information was pointed out by our deputy director Viktor Daněk, who commented for the ČT24 Newsroom programme.

Právo | EU does not want to ban hamsters. It is examining the situation
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27. 10. 2023
The information that the European Union intends to ban the keeping of rodents, reptiles or parrots is not true. An expert study on the subject is still under way and it is not yet clear whether any measures will affect ordinary keepers at all. Viktor Daněk, our deputy director, has spoken out against the false news and commented on the topic for the daily Právo.

Právo | Tusk's death sentence over the V4
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27. 10. 2023
The alliance between the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland is weakening more and more and the possibility of a Donald Tusk's government in Poland will certainly not help the V4 to come together again. Viktor Daněk, deputy director of EUROPEUM, commented on this topic for the newspaper Právo.

RTVS | Post-election negotiations in Poland
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24. 10. 2023
Polish president Andrzej Duda has begun post-election consultations about new government with the winner of the elections, Law and Justice, although it seems that oposition Civic coalition has a higher chance of forming a government. Our deputy director Viktor Daněk commented on the post-election negotiations and future of Poland in an interview with RTVS.

Právo | Europe is gripped by Israeli cramps
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19. 10. 2023
The communication of EU representatives in connection with the crisis situation in Israel could be described as hasty and incomprehensible. The Deputy Director Viktor Daněk commented on this topic in an article for Deník Právo.

ČRo Radiožurnál | How can EU interior ministers adjust the rules for returning failed asylum seekers?
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19. 10. 2023
The attack on two football fans in Belgium has exposed the inefficiencies and flaws in Belgium's migration policy. How can EU interior ministers adjust the rules on returning failed asylum seekers? Our deputy director, Viktor Daněk, commented on the topic in the Odpolední publicistika programme.