Publication of the year 2014
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7. 1. 2015
A publication by Věra Řiháčková received the award of Publicaton of the year 2014 by PASOS organization.

Report: Taking Stock of EU Civil Society Funding in EAP Countries
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1. 10. 2014
Research fellow Věra Řiháčková published report "Taking Stock of EU Civil Society Funding in EAP Countries" which was created in cooperation with Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum.

Destination: Transparency - New EU Member States’ Best Practices for Moldova and Ukraine
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1. 9. 2014
Partner project focused on improving the rule of law in Moldova and Ukraine through a cooperation with the V4 countries.

Road to the EU of the Visegrad countries: lessons for Ukraine
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1. 8. 2014
EUROPEUM’s research fellow Věra Říhová is managing a project designed to introduce the topic of public opinion towards European integration in Eastern and Southern regions of Ukraine.

Strenghtening of security and journalist's skills of Ukrainian journalists and bloggers
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1. 7. 2014
EUROPEUM’s research fellow manages project focusing on strengthening security of journalists and bloggers working on Crimea.

ČRo: Věra Řiháčková about Czech eurodeputies
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2. 6. 2014
Research fellow Věra Řiháčková was on Czech Radio on June 2. She talked about the European Parliament.

EurActiv.cz: Věra Řiháčková about new European Parliament
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29. 5. 2014
Rerearch fellow Věra Řiháčková expressed her opinion of new eurodeputies.

Lidové noviny: V europarlamentu se nepředřeli. Sobotka s nimi ale problém nemá
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11. 5. 2014
Article published in LN on May 11 deals with Věra Řiháčková's analysis of Czech eurodeputies.

Parlamentní listy: V Bruselu se nepředřeli, ČSSD je znovu posílá do voleb. Těmhle studiím nevěřím, vzkazuje Sobotka
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11. 5. 2014
Article in Parlamentní listy is focusing on the published analysis of Věra Řiháčková.

Improving the Coordination of European Policies in Georgia Based on the Practices of V4 Countries
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1. 5. 2014
EUROPEUM's research fellow Věra Řiháčková leads project aiming at helping Georgia's integration process to the EU structures.

Analysis: Work Activity of the Czech Members of the European Parliament during the Years 2009 - 2014
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25. 4. 2014
Věra Řiháčková compiled an analysis of the activity of Czech MEPs in Brussels and Strasbourg from 2009 to 2014.

The Fight Against Terrorism: Global Challenge of the 21st Century
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11. 11. 2010
Research fellow Věra Řiháčková edited publication based on international conference which focused on the issue of terrorism.