EurActiv: As expected, the EU is backing Britain in the Skripal case
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20. 3. 2018
Nelly Tomčíková commented for EurActiv.cz the reaction of the European Union to the Scripal case.

Hlavné Správy: Association Agreement can bring more pressure from Russia
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18. 1. 2018
How big is the importance of EU-Ukraine Association Agreement for Ukraine? What is the role of Russia in this case? Nelly Tomčíková and her view for Slovak newspaper Hlavné Správy.

Internship - Prague European Summit 2018
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17. 1. 2018
Prague European Summit is looking for interns for this year's conference with the start of the internship at the beginning of February 2018.

How to lose Russia in 10(0) days: Ukraine’s delicate balance
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13. 10. 2017
Another contribution to the EASTERN MONITOR series by Nelly Tomčíková deals with the Association Agreement between Ukraine and EU.

Internship - Prague European Summit 2017
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4. 5. 2017
Prague European Summit is looking for interns for this year's conference with the start of the internship at the beginning of June 2017.

Visa-free travels for Ukraine and Georgia: “Are we there yet?”
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13. 12. 2016
The latest contribution to the EASTERN MONITOR series by Nelly Tomčíková deals with the current issue of visa liberalization for Ukraine and Georgia.
Prague European Summit 2016 - photographs from the conference
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5. 9. 2016
Photographs from this year's Prague European Summit, which took place at Lobkowicz Palace in Prague on 6th - 8th June 2016, are now available online.

The European Answer to the Eurasian Challenge for Eastern Europe
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22. 8. 2016
Nelly Tomčíková contributed with her analytical paper into an extensive publication on the Eurasian challenge and Eastern Europe's recommendations how to tackle it.

Review Of The ENP Review: Still The Area Of Security, Stability And Prosperity?
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8. 4. 2016
Our Project Manager Nelly Tomčíková analyses the current state of the European Neighbourhood Policy on charter97.org in her article within the framework of the "The Answer to the Eurasian Challenge for Eastern Europe" project.

Prague European Summit - videos from the conference
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14. 3. 2016
Videos from last year's Prague European Summit, which took place in Prague on 12th - 13th Novermber 2015, are now available online.

Programme of the Prague European Summit conference
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3. 11. 2015
A structured programme of the Prague European Summit is now available.

Prague European Summit - International Programme Board members
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26. 10. 2015
You can now view the members of the International Programme Boards online.