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Michal Vít

Research Fellow

Michal Vít

Research Fellow

Michal obtained his doctorate in 2017 from the joint East and Central Europe in Transnational Perspective program of Masaryk University and the University of Leipzig. Previously he was associated with the Institute for European Policy (IEP), Berlin. He underwent research fellowships at University of Konstanz and University of Vienna, and is Assistant Professor at the Metropolitan University Prague.

He worked as a Research Fellow at EUROPEUM Institute until September 2018.

European Integration of the Western Balkans - Can the Visegrad Group Countries Serve as Role Models?

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8. 6. 2015
New study edited by The European Movement in Serbia (EMinS) with an input from our fellow researcher Michal Vít.

Pegida versus Antipegida

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25. 1. 2015
Pediga (protest movement) has recently appeared in the center of public interest. On Wednesday January 21, manifestation of Pediga supporters took place in Leipzig. At the same time, however, their opponents organized a public gathering as well. Michal Vít analyzes the situation in his blog.

Jeseníky and political earmarking

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19. 1. 2015
Project describing the issue of earmarking in the Czech Republic which analyzes the territory of Jeseníky.

ČT24: Ombudsman criticizing conditions of voting right and insurance for foreigners

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23. 7. 2014
EUROPEUM's research fellow Michal Vít on the current position of ombudsman in the matter of voting right and insurance.

How do Czech political parties work in the framework of European parties – is there any sense in voting them according to it?

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23. 4. 2014
We organised an event on the work of Czech political parties within the European Parliament.
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