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Michal Vít

Research Fellow

Michal Vít

Research Fellow

Michal obtained his doctorate in 2017 from the joint East and Central Europe in Transnational Perspective program of Masaryk University and the University of Leipzig. Previously he was associated with the Institute for European Policy (IEP), Berlin. He underwent research fellowships at University of Konstanz and University of Vienna, and is Assistant Professor at the Metropolitan University Prague.

He worked as a Research Fellow at EUROPEUM Institute until September 2018.

ČT24: Results of the EU-Turkey summit

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14. 3. 2016
Michal Vít was a guest of Czech TV and commented on the results of the EU-Turkey summit.

ČRo Plus: Refugee crisis and EU-Turkey summit

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8. 3. 2016
EUROPEUM’s research fellow Michal Vít spoke in Rozhovory a komentáře about yesterday’s EU summit with Turkey, Ankara’s increasing demands and possible voluntary and involuntary quotas.

ČT24: EU and Turkey before summit in Brussels

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8. 3. 2016
Research fellow Michal Vít spoke in Studio ČT24 on Sunday. He discussed the upcoming summit in Brussels and positions of both negotiating parties.

A View from Central Europe: Germany and V4 moving further apart?

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29. 2. 2016
Our Research fellow Michal Vít was among the three experts that commented some newly essential questions in the first blog of a reshaped ‘A View from Central Europe’ series, published by the Central European Policy Institute (CEPI).

ČT24: Where is the EU headed

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19. 2. 2016
Michal Vít was a guest of Czech TV and commented on the direction that the EU is taking regarding the most recent developments.

Parties, Voters and National Identity

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3. 2. 2016
Our project, organized in the research framework focusing on the topic of national identities in Central Europe, aims to research how political parties use themes connected to national identity, and its goal is to find out how the declared political positions influence the election results of individual political parties in different regions.

ČRo Plus: Meeting of V4 ministers

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20. 1. 2016
Our research fellow Michal Vít spoke for Czech Radio about the meeting of V4 interior ministers, where they discussed the possibility of an increased cooperation in dealing with the migrant crisis.

ČT24: Evaluation of Frederika Mogherini's visit in Prague

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14. 1. 2016
Studio ČT24 hosted Michal Vít who commented on the main points the vice president of the European Commission addressed during her visit of the Czech Republic.

Socialization of CEE Governments in the EU Environment - Who Shapes the Norms?

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13. 1. 2016
How current governing political parties consider the level of their socialization on the European political arena? Does the European environment shape their perception of national interests towards the EU or it is the a opposite way? Find out more in paper by Michal Vít.

Electricity has to be primarily competitive

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7. 1. 2016
Michal Vít interviewed Miroslav Marvan, former director of OTE. In the interview for, they discussed for instance the implications of low electricity prices, renewable energy subsidies, or the use of modern technologies.

View from Prague: Czech disinterest, despite challenges posed

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7. 11. 2015
Michal Vít looks at the Czech Republic's reactions to the recent Polish parliamentary elections.

Is Poland truly on the verge of a conservative Armageddon?

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29. 10. 2015
Michal Vít's take on the Polish parliamentary elections.
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